Take Years Off

Wrinkles, sagging skin, and other signs of aging are all natural consequences of time spent on this planet. Using Botox® and Dermal Fillers is a great way to restore lost volume in the face and smooth away wrinkles. A more youthful, confident, and beautiful appearance is yours to enjoy by taking advantage of this method to delay the aging process.

During our consultations and appointments, we are able to assess your situation in detail and offer advice on how to best proceed. This allows us to get you looking great in no time. Refine Face & Body Spa has expert injectors who are well-versed in facial anatomy to give our patients that youthful appearance they have always wanted.

Give Your Skin a More Youthful Appearance

Wrinkles, lines, mild scarring, and dark circles under the eyes can all be addressed without resorting to surgery thanks to noninvasive procedures like Botox and Dermal fillers.

Forehead lines, crow’s feet around the eyes, and furrows between the brows are all examples of dynamic wrinkles that can be mitigated with injectable fillers (frown lines). The use of Botox® and Dermal Fillers can make wrinkles and fine lines less noticeable and help you look younger and more refreshed.

Furthermore, wrinkles in the lower facial area can be diminished with dermal fillers. Also known as “smile lines,” these begin at the corners of your mouth and extend downward to the jawline. Additionally, dermal fillers can restore and create a more youthful balance in your face by plumping and filling in areas that have deflated with age, such as your cheeks and lip areas.

All of this can be accomplished with the help of cosmetic injectables like Dermal Fillers and Botox®, without the discomfort and downtime associated with surgical procedures.

Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Botox® and Other Injectables

Botox® and other injectable procedures don’t take long and don’t hurt too much. There is no downtime or need for anesthesia with this procedure. Most Botox® procedures can be done quickly, so many people schedule them for their lunch breaks so they can return to work immediately.

Patients of all ages may wonder if they are “too young” or “too old” to benefit from Botox® or other injectables. Using Botox® or other injectables can be beneficial at any time in life. Many people in their twenties use Botox® when they see the first signs of wrinkles. Furthermore, we offer injectables to help fill out hollow areas under the skin, plump up lips, and enhance facial contours.

Botox® and other injectables are usually effective for three to five months after the injection. For Botox®, the muscles in the treated area gradually regain mobility as the body metabolizes Botox®. Patients who undergo maintenance treatments every three to four months can extend the duration of the effects of Botox® injections.

Although individual reactions to Botox® and other injectables may vary, typical results appear within three to five days. Some people may need up to two weeks to see and feel the full effects.

This is not a painful procedure. Most people feel some pain during the injection itself, but that pain typically subsides soon after the shot is given.

The side effects of getting facial injections are injection site bruising, swelling, redness, or tenderness, which typically subside within a week or two without medical attention.